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Image by Benjamin Voros
About Us


Image by Artem Kovalev

Martina currently resides in Chicago, but was born Slovakia, formally known as Czechoslovakia. As a child she spent much of her time at her grandmothers cabin in the mountains where she explored the picturesque mountains, picked wild mushrooms and berries, star gazed and listened to folk stories around the campfire. At an early age, Martina was very connected to nature, animals, and the spirit world.

Growing up in the communist era, Martina’s parents wanted a better life for the family, so they immigrated to the U.S. Not knowing the culture or language, Martina’s parents worked hard to get established and create a better life for their daughters. Learning that hard work is expected, nothing is for free, and opportunity doesn’t just happen, Martina worked very hard in creating and living the “American dream”.

After losing her mom to cancer at a young age, Martina chose to follow her calling of wanting to help people heal, so she became a nurse. After many years at the bed side, Martina got restless and pursued a career that would elevate her status, bring in more money and more opportunities. She became obsessed with having it all... more clothes, more vacations, better boyfriends, and being seen at the best restaurants and parties. She was living the American dream, but the dream came at a great cost…she lost her connection to spirit and God; she was numb and sleepwalking her way through life.


Her Pivotal Moment


After repeated heartbreaks and BIG financial losses, Martina found herself questioning the purpose of life, and why she was doing things that brought her misery…dating narcissistic and emotionally unavailable men, hanging out with toxic friends, excessively drinking, and people pleasing. So, the journey of self-exploration and healing began.

Coming Out of the Corporate Closet


Martina has a very successful career in healthcare with 20 years’ experience in sales, training & education, marketing and public speaking. However, there’s a secret that Martina has been hiding and she’s ready to share with the world… for the past 10-years Martina has been quietly learning and exploring the healing and spiritual aspects of sacred Amazonian medicines. Having the honor to learn from very special Medicine men and women and work with sacred medicines, allowed Martina to heal her past, release what was no longer serving her, and ultimately find her purpose in life. Martina trained to become a certified medicine woman and coach in hopes that she can help lead others to such an impactful shift in their own lives. 


Working as a Medicine Woman


Now, Martina is privileged to hold sacred space and guide people on their healing journey of the body, mind and spirit... ultimately leading them to their purpose and living the best life possible! Martina's mission in life is to stop human suffering by empowering people to take charge of their lives by reconnecting to the Creator, forgiveness and healthy eating & exercise so they can live a happy, healthy, vital and fulfilled life.  Martina combines her personal with her professional experience, and her knowledge about the physical, emotional, and spiritual body to help women re-connect with their authentic self. This transformation elicits truly remarkable lives, relationships, and careers within these incredible women. Her work is based on the intersection of where the human body meets early programing and shows how the spiritual self is the key to healing and experiencing life through natural flow, incredible synchronicity, creative solution, and abundance.




Kambo, sananga, hapè and more.

Image by Miguel Bruna

Guided energy healings lead to health and wellness. 

Image by Anh Trần

Coaching with Martina for ceremonial and business. 


Intro Call

If you are in need of advice at where to start, schedule a free introduction call with Martina. 

Working with Martina is a great way to get connected and she can help find you discover your true north. 

Contact  Us

True North Guide

500 Terry Francois St. San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890


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